2021 Fall DSR Newsletter: Books & Articles


The Write Stuff: Publications from January through November 2021, including books, articles and blog pieces. Our faculty and students are publishing widely. Topics include the civil religiosity of the ice rink, street preaching and traffic, antisemitism, Pentecostal drug rehabilitation, and HBO’s Lovecraft County.



Book cover - Key Concepts in AntisemitismProfessor Sol Goldberg is co‐editor of Key Concepts in the Study of Antisemitism, from Palgrave. → Read the feature article

Book cover - The Philosophy of Emil FackenheimProfessor Kenneth GreenThe Philosophy of Emil Fackenheim - From Revelation to the Holocaust (Cambridge University Press).

Book cover - Christian PlatonismProfessor Alexander J.B. Hampton: Christian Platonism: A History (Cambridge University Press). → Read the feature article

Book cover - The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Medicine, and HealthProfessor Pamela Klassen: Co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Religion, Medicine, and Health. Fun fact: Fellow editor Justin B. Stein is a DSR PhD alumnus (2017)!

Book cover - God's PropertyProfessor Nada MoumtazGod’s Property (University of California Press).

Book cover - The Art of CaptivityProfessor Kevin Lewis O’Neill: Art of Captivity/Arte del Cautiverio (University of Toronto Press). Co-authored with Benjamin Fogarty-Valenzuela, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago Mansueto Institute, the book tells a compelling story through photographs about the war on drugs in Central America alongside the rise of Pentecostal drug rehabillitation centres. To accompany the book Kevin collaborated on an online exhibition: www.artofcaptivity.com.

Book cover - Jesus, The New TestamentPhD student Rebecca Runesson Sanfridson: a new translation of a textbook that was originally written in Swedish. It’s called Jesus, the New Testament, and Christian Origins, edited by Dieter Mitternacht and Anders Runesson and published by Eerdmans. Rebecca is co-translator with her brother, Noah Runesson.  

Book cover - In Search of SalvationProfessor Shafique Virani: Dar justuju‐yirastagari (“In Search of Salvation: The Ismailis After the Mongol Invasion”) with Amirkabir Press in Iran. 


PhD student Mohannad Abusarah: "The Need of Protestantization: Reading Oneself Through European History,” on the Reading Muslims website, hosted by the Institute for Islamic Studies.

PhD candidate Kalpesh Bhatt: "Experiential Depth: Understanding a Hindu-Muslim Relationship through a Trinitarian Theology of Religions” (paywall) (Journal of Hindu-Christian Studies 33 (9)) and “Could the Swaminarayan Saṃpradāya Be Considered a Vaishnava Lineage?” (paywall) (Journal of Vaishnava Studies, 29 (2): 149–70).

PhD candidate Judith Ellen Brunton: co-author with Richard (Chip) Callahan of “Extracting Corporate Religion” in the Social Science Research Council blog, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion, and the Public Sphere.

PhD student Kyle Byron: “Weapons for Witnessing: American Street Preaching and the Rhythms of War” has been published in Religion & Society. The article is a brilliant examination of how street corners, buses,and pedestrian traffic shape the rhythm of street preachers in US cities. 

PhD candidate Sean Capener: "Black Holes, White Dwarves" in The Bias Magazine. In it he explores how white socialists grapple with how the “afterlife of slavery is characterized by a globalized antiblackness.” 

Professor Christoph Emmrich:

MA student Christina Gousopoulos: “Sub‐Elite Readers and the Transmission of Christian Literary Texts” (paywall) in Ephemerides theologicae lovaniensis 97, no.1(2021):37–59. 

Professor Pamela Klassen:

Professor Rory Lindsay: "Death for a Buddhist Dreamer: Identity and Mortality in Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen’s Autobiographical Dream Narrative," in Religions 2021, 12(11). 

PhD candidate Roxanne Korpan:“Scriptural Relations: Colonial Formations of Anishinaabemowin Bibles in Nineteenth-Century Canada” (paywall) in Material Religion

PhD candidate Mariam Maamoun:an article in the Frankfurter Zeitschrift für Islamisch-Theologische Studien, which discussesʿĀʾišahʿAbdurraḥmān’s views on scientific exegesis of the Qur’an.

PhD candidate Mohammad Mansouri: “Walāya between Lettrism and Astrology: The Occult Mysticism of Sayyid Ḥaydar Āmulī (d. c.787/1385)” (paywall) in the Brill Journal of Sufi Studies.

PhD candidate Adil Mawani: “Travelling Through Print: Early Urdu Travelogues,” on the Reading Muslims website, hosted by the Institute for Islamic Studies. 

Professor Amira Mittermaier: Co-author with Khadija Mohamed Embaby of “God in Times of Uncertainty,” on Utrecht University's religiousmatters.nl website. 

Undergraduate Fatima Zahra Mohammed: “‘Honest Painting’: A Framework for Overcoming Anthropocentrism” in EcoTone: Undergraduate Environmental Review, which is produced by U of T’s Environmental Students’ Union at the School of the Environment.

PhD candidate Amber Moore: “Abodes of the Vajra-Yoginīs:MountMaṇicūḍa and Paśupatikṣetra as envisaged in the Tridalakamala and Maṇiśailamahāvadāna” in the European Bulletin of Himalayan Research (Winter 2020:55). 

Professor Nada Moumtaz: "Anthropological translations: Strategy, content, audience," focusing on the question of translation and anthropological theory and practice. In the Social Science Research Council blog, The Immanent Frame: Secularism, Religion, and the Public Sphere.

Professor David Novak: Lead essay, "What is Jewish Theology?" in Cambridge Companion to Jewish Theology

PhD student Alexander O'Neill: “Later Mahāyāna References to Book Worship” in the peer‐reviewed journal Annual of the Institute for Comprehensive Studies of Buddhism.

PhD candidate Anthony Scott: "New partnership between the Myanmar Manuscript Digital Library and the National Library of Myanmar" for the Department for the Study of Religion website.

Professor J. Barton Scott: "Religion in Lovecraft Country," on The Revealer website, in which he examines the racial and religious messages in the HBO series, Lovecraft Country.

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