Research Opportunities

The Department for the Study of Religion, often working in partnership with the Faculty of Arts and Science, offers a range of opportunities for undergraduates to engage with research. 

The University has launched an Undergraduate Research Hub where you can search for research opportunities on campus.

Our faculty members often contribute to the Research Opportunities Program (ROP), which gives second- and third-year Faculty of Arts & Science undergraduate students the chance to join an instructor’s research project. Applications typically open from mid-February to mid-March every year.

Faculty members are also eligible to apply for the University of Toronto Excellence Award (UTEA) with a student. This provides students with an opportunity to gain research experience on a faculty-led project over the summer. Applications are normally due late March.

The Scholars-in-Residence Program, based in the Jackman Humanities Institute (located on the top floor of our building) offers undergraduates the opportunity to work on research projects with humanities faculty for four weeks during the summer.

The Jackman Humanities Institute also offers six residential fellowships, providing undergraduates with the opportunity to research and write an Independent Study on a topic of their own choice under supervision by one of the year’s 12-month Faculty Research Fellows.

The Research Excursion Program (REP) provides opportunities for Arts & Science undergraduate students to travel off-campus as part of an instructor’s research project.

Besides these opportunities, you can engage with research and internship opportunities through RLG404H1 (Research Capstone), RLG405H1 (Practical Capstone) and RLG426H1 (Religion in the Public Sphere: Community-Engaged Learning Capstone). We also aim to advertise specific research opportunities, usually contributing to the current work of a faculty member, whenever they come up.