Publications from December 2023 onward, including books and articles, as well as podcasts and media coverage of faculty research.
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Naomi Seidman's book, Translating the Jewish Freud: Psychoanalysis in Hebrew and Yiddish, is published by Stanford University Press in June 2024. Look out in the next edition of the newsletter for an interview with Naomi about this new work.
Shafique Virani's Persian language book, Dar justujūy-i rastagārī: Ismāʿīliyān pas az ḥamlah-yi Mughal, 2nd ed, was published by Amīr-Kabīṛ (Tihrān, 1402 HS/[2023 CE]).
Saving the Dead: Tibetan Funerary Rituals in the Tradition of the Sarvadurgatipariśodhana Tantra by Rory Lindsay was published in April by the Vienna Series for Tibetan and Buddhist Studies. We had a great conversation with Rory about his book → Read the Q&A .
Articles • Reviews • Sound • Vision (alphabetical by author/lead)
Ronald Charles was instrumental in bringing to the Lillian Massey Building the exhibition “Black Classicists in North America,” which celebrates the overcoming of huge obstacles by these scholars to advance Greek and Latin language studies. • Read the U of T News story • Listen to his contribution on CBC Radio's Here and Now program (6:48)
Affiliate DSR faculty Kamari Clarke’s work as principal investigator on the Early Warning, Early Response project was profiled in an A&S News article, examining the program that empowers Nigerians to defend their communities. Kamari was also profiled in the Jackman Humanities Institute's Circle of Fellows Spotlight series.
Affiliate DSR faculty Ken Derry’s piece, “Comics and Costumes and Cats (Oh My): Having Fun with Teaching, ” appears in the online magazine about teaching that he co-edited/co-created: SPARK: Reflections from the 2023 3M National Teaching Fellows Banff Summit.
Affiliate DSR faculty Mohammad Fadel of U of T’s Faculty of Law, guested on MEMO (Middle East Monitor), discussing “Genocide, the law and speaking out.” His article, “The Palestine Exception to Academic Freedom Must Go,” appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education.
PhD student Grace Feeney's paper "A Levinasian Critique of Feminist Theories of Vulnerability" appeared in in Perspectives: University College Dublin Postgraduate Journal of Philosophy, in its special issue on Race, Gender and Identity.
PhD candidate Nick Field co-authored a summary of the recent “’A Blank Space of Delightful Mystery’?: A Workshop on Cartographic Absences,” that took place under the auspices of the Jackman Humanities Institute’s 2023-24 annual theme of “Absence.” Maps present, persuade, and sometimes lie.
An article by Frances Garrett, "Like Rocks and Mountains: A Contemplative Science Program under Threat," appeared in the Journal of Contemplative Studies.
January brought news of two publications from PhD student Christina Gousopoulos:
- “The Hypsistos Cults of Tanais: Social Mobility, Networks, and Patronage Ties.” Ancient Society 53(1): 139–68. DOI 10.2143/AS.53.0.2392439
- “From Adversaries to Allies: Source Criticism and the Antipas–Pilate Relationship in Luke 23:12.” Catholic Biblical Quarterly 86(1): 84–103.
Alexander Hampton's article, "Romanticism and System in Coleridge and Schlegel," was published in Symphilosophie, International Journal of Philosophical Romanticism, the online journal for new academic research on German Romantic Philosophy.
The Theology Mill podcast, produced by Wipf and Stock Publishers, interviewed affiliate faculty member Ann Jervis about her recent book, Paul and Time: Life in the Temporality of Christ.
DSR Chair Pamela Klassen's article, "The Serpent Mound of the Ohio Valley," co-authored with Harvard junior Amy Ojeaburu, takes a close look at Harvard University's complext relationship to an ancient indigenous monument, was published in Epicenter, the institution's resarch and ideas blog.
Rory Lindsay’s keynote presentation, “Holding Community: The Social Impact of Tibetan Literary Archives in Canada & the USA,” is now available to watch on YouTube. It was recorded as part of the event hosted at U of T’s East Asian Library to celebrate the ten-year partnership for the Tibetan Studies Collection and Development between U of T Libraries and Columbia University Libraries.
Ruth Marshall commented for the Toronto Star (paywall) on how some people believe April's total solar eclipse is a sign of the coming apocalypse.
In March PhD candidate Katarina Pejovic's article, “Theurgy, Paredroi, and Embodied Power in Neoplatonism and Late Antique Celestial Hierarchies,” was published in the journal Religions for its special issue on “The Platonic Tradition, Nature Spirituality and the Environment," followed in April by her review of Everyday Magicians: Legal Records and Magic Manuscripts from Tudor England (Sharon Hubbs Wright & Frank Klaassen, Penn State University Press) appeared on the Reading Religion website.
Srilata Raman is the subject of “Dalit Vedanta: Religious Assertion in Colonial South India,” a video published by the Jackman Humanities Institute. She discusses the opportunity afforded her by the award of a 2022-23 Faculty Research Fellowship to support the exploration of certain obscure and marginalized figures who preached or composed religious works critical of caste and who advocated for a monistic form of Shaivism.
Affiliate faculty member Michael Rosenthal's paper “Spinoza on the Distinction Between True and False Prophecy” appeared in God’s Own Mouthpieces: Prophecy and Reason in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, ed. Heiko Shultz, Mohr Siebeck Verlag, 2024, 135-150.
Two publications from J. Barton Scott: his essay, “The surprising history of global blasphemy law,” appeared on The Immanent Frame website, and his article, "Heterodoxies of the Body: Death, Secularism, and the Corpse of Raja Rammohun Roy,” was published in the journal Comparative Studies in Society and History. A 2023-24 Jackman Humanities Institute Faculty Research Fellow, Scott was featured in the Circle of Fellows Spotlight, where you can read all about his project, The Piercing Virtue: Isherwood’s Guru in Adorno’s Los Angeles.
PhD candidate Julie Sharff's piece, “Yiddish Women’s Fiction,” an entry in Oxford Bibliographies Online, was published in May 2024.
Kyle Smith was the special guest on the Biblical Time Machine podcast, in the December 18, 2023 episode, “A Cultural History of Christmas.”
PhD candidate Ian Turner authored a conference report on “Buddhism & the Body in Tibet,” which was organized by DSR postdoctoral fellow Michael Ium in April 2024 and hosted by the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre and the DSR. With the participation of DSR faculty Christoph Emmrich and Rory Lindsay, and alumnus Tony Scott, the symposium brought together early and mid-career scholars of Tibetan Buddhism.
Shafique Virani co-authored the article, “Love and the Brethren of Purity: A Comparative Study of Human Intimacy in Islamic Philosophy,” published in Journal of Sufi Studies 11, no. 2 (2022): 149-180. (Feb)
CBC Kids featured Kevin J. White in its Campfire Stories series, telling the story of “How the Raccoon Got Its Mask.”