Publications from January to June 2023, including books and articles, as well as podcasts and media coverage of faculty research.
Books (alphabetical by author)
Alexander Hampton's edited volume Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi and the Ends of the Enlightenment: Religion, Philosophy, and Reason at the Crux of Modernity was published by Cambridge University Press, and includes an essay, “Jacobi and Kant: freedom, reason, faith,” by James DiCenso.
Also published in 2023, Transzendenz für ein Zeitalter der Immanenz: Die romantische Neuerfindung der Religion (Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler), the German translation of Hampton's Romanticism and the Re-Invention of Modern Religion (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
J. Barton Scott's new book, Slandering the Sacred: Blasphemy Law and Religious Affect in Colonial India, which tells the story of the section of the Indian Penal Code that criminalizes “outraging religious feelings,” was published by the University of Chicago Press. It is also available in India, through Permanent Black. → Read the feature Q&A, "Slandering the Sacred: Can Secular Law Prevent Religious Insult?"
Articles • Reviews • Sound • Vision (alphabetical by author/lead)
Publications from Ronald Charles:
- “Coloniality, Reframing and Diversity in New Testament Apocrypha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, Volume 2” in Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1-4.
- “A Critical Response to Pauline Supersessionism” in the forthcoming God’s Israel and the Israel of God: Paul and Supersessionism, eds. Michael Bird and Scott McKnight (Logos: Lexham Academic Press, 2023), 147-166.
- “Researching and Teaching OtherWise” in Reading the New Testament in the Manifold Contexts of a Globalized World: Exegetical Perspectives (eds. E-M. Becker, A. Standhartinger, F. Wilk & J. Herzer).
Suleyman Dost participated in Global News Winnipeg’s piece on the unusual circumstance in 2023 of the overlapping periods of Ramadan, Easter and Passover.
Frances Garrett featured as the guest of the Blue Beryl podcast, whose focus is Buddhism, Asian medicine and embodied spirituality, in the episode “Embodiment and Pedagogy.”
Alexander Hampton published “Considering Creation Care: Three Contributions” in the Toronto Journal of Theology, 2022, 38 (2).
Postdoctoral Fellow Michael Ium's “Tsongkhapa as a mahāsiddha: A Reevaluation of the Patronage of the Gelukpa in Tibet" was published the Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies.
Pamela Klassen’s essay, “Remembering the Queen of Canada,” examining the symbolic power of ‘churchstateness,’ appeared on Epicenter, the blog of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. She also featured with Kevin White and Krista Barclay in the article “Relations on the Land project to strengthen ties with Indigenous partners,” from U of T News.
Affiliate faculty member Michael Lambek published “The Wrong Question?” in Philosophies 2023, 8(2), which is a special issue on “Wittgenstein’s “Forms of Life”: Future of the Concept.”
Rory Lindsay published "Visual Transmission in Tibetan Ritual Polemics" in The Journal of Religion, Vol 103, No 1.
Reid Locklin’s field trip with undergraduates to Sault Ste. Marie as part of his St. Michael’s College seminar course, The Christianity, Truth and Reconciliation Seminar, was the basis of a feature article from Arts & Science News: “'A rare and deeply impactful experience': Students learn about residential schools and their legacy.”
“Women Talking and Reimagining the World” by PhD candidate Christina Pasqua and Pamela Klassen, was published in The Revealer. The piece looks at how the movie “Women Talking” reflects the real-life Mennonite community on which it is based. Pasqua also authored an entry in De Gruyter's Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception on the topic of “Noah,” in which she writes on the importance of Noah in Modern European and American Christianities.
Ajay Rao, in his capacity as UTM’s Vice-Dean, Graduate Studies & Postdoctoral Affairs, talked in the podcast View to the U: An eye on UTM academic community about his humanities work and the various initiatives on the horizon to make UTM a top destination for students looking to pursue grad studies.
PhD student Jon-Philippe Ruhumuliza’s paper,“Acceptance to Expedience: A Comparative Analysis of Ellen G. White’s and Arthur G. Daniells’s Counsel for Race Relations,” was published in Andrews University Seminary Studies, Vol. 59, No. 1, 71–94.
PhD student Rebecca Runesson’s “Centurions in the Jesus Movement? Rethinking Luke 7:1–10 in Light of the Gaianus Inscription at Kefar ‘Othny’” was published in the Journal of Biblical Literature 142, no. 1 (2023): 129–49.
Postdoctoral fellow Tony Scott’s “The Embodiment of Buddhist History: Interpretive Methods and Models of Sāsana Decline in Burmese Debates about Female Higher Ordination” was published in Religions 14, 31 (2023).
PhD student Julie Sharff’s review, “A Night at the (Yiddish) Opera: Bas Sheve’s North American Premiere,” appeared in the blog of In Geveb: A Journal of Jewish Studies.
At the American Ethnographic Society Indeterminacy Conference held at Princeton in March 2023, PhD student Ridhima Sharma was part of the roundtable "Toward Non-Determinative Critique: Anthropological Arguments in Want of 'Better' Worlds" where she presented her paper titled "Quiet Corners: On the Limits of Conversation."
Kyle Smith was the special guest on the Biblical Time Machine podcast episode, "Was Early Christianity a 'Cult of the Dead'?"
Shafique Virani's “The Scent of the Scarlet Pimpernels: Ismaili Leaders of the 11th/17th Century,” appeared as Chapter 3 in The Renaissance of Shiʿi Islam in the 15th–17th Centuries (eds. Farhad Daftary and Janis Esots, 29-74. London: I.B. Tauris in association with Institute of Ismaili Studies, 2022).
An article by PhD candidate Andrea Wollein, “Tibetan Pilgrimage Guides to Bhaktapur: An Image of Dīpaṃkara Buddha Manifesting as Speaking Tārā,” appeared in Himalaya, The Journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies 41, 2 (2022), 54-69.
A video of Kevin J. White’s “Haudenosaunee Storytelling: Knowledge Systems and History,” a discussion of the challenges and opportunities of gaining access to oral histories in rethinking Seneca and Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) history, was posted by the Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums YouTube channel as part of its “Redefining Narrative” series.