Pamela Klassen Wins the Northrop Frye Teaching Award

February 23, 2015 by Religion Admin

Professor Pamela Klassen has won the University of Toronto Alumni Association’s Northrop Frye Award.  This award celebrates faculty members who integrate their research and teaching, helping their students to experience the value of research.

In an interview with the Faculty of Arts and Science, Klassen explained that she often uses the city has part of her teaching.  She elaborated:

“Toronto is an amazing site for studying religion, either historically or ethnographically. From my first year at U of T, teaching the introductory ‘World Religions’ course, I’ve had students out walking in the city, looking for “religion” in both likely and unlikely places.”

Klassen taught RLG389: Museums and Material Religion in the fall term, which asked students to engage with the ROM’s collections.  She is currently teaching RLG443: Genealogies of Christianity and co-teaching a Big Idea’s course on the internet.