The Jane Trombley Undergraduate Scholarship, and the Jane Trombley Graduate Scholarship in the Department for the Study of Religion

October 4, 2013 by Religion Admin

The department is pleased to announce that, through the generosity of Gaye Trombley and in memory of her sister, Jane Trombley, two new scholarships have been established for students in the Department for the Religion. Jane was a mature student who, after a career in the arts and business, entered University to pursue studies in religion. She took several courses in religion, and worked extensively with Leslie Hayes, pursuing her interests in the study of mediaeval and early modern witchcraft.

The Jane Trombley Undergraduate Scholarship will be awarded to an undergraduate student with financial need who has completed the Millie Shime Rotman Academic Bridging Program in Woodsworth College. Preference will be given to students who are not eligible for the Ontario Student Assistance Program and who are taking religion courses or pursuing a program in the Department for the Study of Religion.

The Jane Trombley Graduate Scholarship, which has been created under the Provost’s program of matching donor funds, will be awarded on the basis of academic merit to a PhD student enrolled in the Department for the Study of Religion. Financial need will be also considered.