2024 December DSR Roundup: The Reading & Listening Room


A taster of DSR members contributing in spheres outside the academy 
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J. Barton Scott   Heretic film poster

J. Barton Scott’s review of the movie Heretic (which he describes as “a comparative religion serial killer film”) was published by the Journal of Religion & Film in its section on the Toronto International Film Festival.


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Anna Shternshis   

Anna Shternshis, artist Psoy Korolenko (Moscow-New York), and Toronto-based producer Dan Rosenberg have collaborated on Yiddish Glory, a remarkable collection of anti-fascist songs and music documenting Nazi atrocities that were discovered in a former Soviet archive in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. The songs have been brought to life in an outstanding new recording of this music written in the Soviet Union during World War II by Holocaust victims and survivors.


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Anusha Sudindra Rao   book cover How to Love in Sanskrit

PhD candidate Anusha Sudindra Rao's co-authored book, How to Love in Sanskrit, an anthology of translated love poetry from over eighty Sanskrit and Prakrit texts, was published by HarperCollins India. In August 2024. the book was released in Kindle and hardback formats in Canada. Described by poet and author Arundhathi Subramaniam as "witty, surprising and joyous," the book celebrates Sanskrit's 3,000-year obsession with love and brings the language's beauty to the modern reader. Rao is also the featured guest discussing her work on the New Books Network podcast.



Frances Garrett

The August 2024 edition of the Buddhist Studies Footnotes podcast episode, “Buddhist environmental ethics for a more-than-human world,” produced by Frances Garrett, features a conversation with Colin Simons, Lecturer in Religious Studies at the University of Alberta. >> Listen

Ann Jervis

Affiliate faculty member Ann Jervis was the featured guest on an OnScript podcast in a discussion of her book, Paul and Time: Life in the Temporality of Christ. [Sep 2024]

Reid Locklin

Reid Locklin guested on two podcasts, discussing his book Hindu Mission, Christian Mission: Soundings in Comparative Theology.

Jeremy Schipper

Jeremy Schipper was interviewed about his book, Denmark Vesey’s Bible: The Thwarted Revolt That Put Slavery and Scripture on Trial, for the New Books Network podcast.

Kevin White

Kevin White contributed to a piece on NPR's national show, Morning Edition, called "In the U.S. it’s Indigenous Peoples’ Day. It’s Thanksgiving in Canada."   

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