A digital Town Hall Meeting to discuss undergraduate-related topics

When and Where

Thursday, October 28, 2021 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Online (Zoom)


Any undergraduate student taking a class in the Department for the Study of Religion is welcome to attend this event. The meeting will discuss undergraduate-related topics and respond to suggestions and questions sent in by undergraduate students. Questions may be submitted in advance, anonymously if preferred, using this form.

Beyond the question-and-answer portion of the meeting, there will be discussion of research opportunities available for undergraduate students as well as a look at how undergraduates have been helping to promote anti-racism, decolonization, and equity within the Department for the Study of Religion. In addition, all attendees will be entered into a draw to win one of five $20 gift cards to a place of their choosing. Feel free to RVSP to the Facebook event for a reminder.

From RUSA President Mukti Patel: "I highly encourage you all to raise issues and/or attend the event! RUSA is committed to centering student voices in the department, and the department is also committed to taking student concerns seriously. This is a great opportunity to effect change for all religion students. Please do consider contributing to the town hall. As always, reach out to me or to information.rusa@gmail.com with any questions."

→ If you have not already received the Zoom details for the town hall, send a request to information.rusa@gmail.com


Religion Undergraduate Student Association (RUSA)