Note: This is an archive. View our current courses.
100 Series Courses
MHB155H1F1 Elementary Modern Hebrew I / Yigal Nizri (TW10-1, R10-2)
Introduction to the fundamentals of Hebrew grammar and syntax. Emphasis on the development of oral and writing skills. Exclusion: Grade 4 Hebrew (or Grade 2 in Israel)/NML155H1 |
MHB156H1F2 Elementary Modern Hebrew II /Yigal Nizri (TW10-1, R10-2)
Continued introduction to the fundamentals of Hebrew grammar and syntax. Emphasis on the development of oral and writing skills. Prerequisite: MHB155H1/NML155H1 or permission of instructor. Exclusion: Grade 4 Hebrew (or Grade 2 in Israel)/NML156H1 |
RLG100Y / RLG280Y1Y World Religions / David Perley (TR6-8)
An introductory study of the ideas, attitudes, practices, and contemporary situation of the Judaic, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, Taoist, and Shinto religious traditions. Exclusion: RLG280Y1; HUM B03H3, HUM B04H3. Note: HUM B03H3 and HUM B04H3 taken together are equivalent to RLG100Y1. Note: RLG101H5 is not equivalent to RLG100Y1.
200 Series Courses
Note: No 200-series RLG course has a 100-series RLG course prerequisite or co-requisite.
RLG200H1F Study of Religion / Michelle Christian (WM6-8)
An introduction to the discipline of the study of religion. This course surveys methods in the study of religion and the history of the discipline in order to prepare students to be majors or specialists in the study of religion. Prerequisite: Open to Religion Specialists and Majors. Exclusion: RLG200Y1 |
RLG203Y1Y Christian Religious Traditions / Ian Brown / Rebecca Bartel (MW3-5)
An introduction to Christian religious traditions as they have developed globally from the 1st century C.E. to the present and have been expressed in diverse teachings, institutions, social attitudes, and the arts. Exclusion: RLG203H5. Recommended Preparation: RLG100Y1/RLG200Y1/RLG280Y1
RLG228H1S Religious Ethics: The Environment / Paul York (TR12-2)
This course explores various traditional religions, as well as non-traditional forms of religion, in conjunction with specific environmental issues or dimensions (such as climate change, agricultural-food issues, Western consumerism, environmental racism, and the wisdom of women and of science), with a view to providing students opportunities to understand and think critically about the nexus of religion, ethics, and environment. |
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RLG231H1 Religion and Science / Matt Price (MW10-12)
Course explores issues at the intersection of religion and science which may include such topics as evolution and the assessment of its religious significance by different traditions, conceptions of God held by scientists (theism, pantheism, panentheism), ethical issues raised by scientific or technological developments ( cloning or embryonic stem cell research), philosophical analysis of religious and scientific discourses. |
RLG232H1S Religion and Film / Tenzan Eaghll (MW6-9)
An introduction to the study of religion and film that engages a variety of film forms to explore classical and contemporary understandings of what religion does and what films do. Close attention will be paid to the ways in which the particularities of the film medium contribute to the production of affect and meaning and to the central role film has played in a variety of cultural movements. Exclusion: RLG232H5 |
RLG235H1F Religion, Gender, and Sexuality / Sean Hillman (TR4-6)
Examination of gender as a category in the understanding of religious roles, symbols, rituals, deities, and social relations. Survey of varieties of concepts of gender in recent feminist thought, and application of these concepts to religious life and experience. Examples will be drawn from a variety of religious traditions and groups, contemporary and historical.Exclusion: RLG314H1, RLG314H5 |
300 Series Courses
Note: All 300-series courses presuppose at least three prior RLG half courses (or equivalent). Only specific prerequisites or recommended preparations are listed below. Students who do not meet the prerequisites but believe they have adequate preparation should consult the undergraduate coordinator regarding entry to the course.
RLG306H1S Anthropology of Christianity / Amy Fisher (MW6-8)
This course focuses on current debates in the fast-developing field of the anthropology of Christianity. Topics possibly included: the past and present influence of Christianity on anthropological thinking; historical interactions between missionaries and anthropologists; emerging transnational, charismatic Christian networks; the ‘Southernization’ of Christianity; Christianity and competing ideas of ‘the modern’. Prerequisite: RLG100Y1/ANT204H1
400 Series Courses
Note:400-series courses are intended primarily for Specialists and Majors who have already completed several RLG courses. Prerequisite for all 400-level courses requires permission of the instructor. All 400-level courses are E indicator courses and also cross-listed as graduate courses. For further information on how to enroll, please click here.
RLG404H1S Departmental Capstone-Research / Nathalie LaCoste (TR6-8)
The purpose of this course is to get students from idea to first draft to finished academic paper. Components of this process include: analysing and dissecting published academic essays on the study of religion, identifying and researching a thesis topic, writing a sample abstract and annotated bibliography, and finally, presenting and writing a well-argued and cohesive academic paper. |