- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Fields of Study
- Anthropology of Religion
- Global Christianities
- Religion, Culture & Politics
Areas of Interest
- Global Christianity and mobility
- Christianity in the African Diaspora
- Religion, Space and Sound
- Intercultural Theology
- Interfaith Dialogue
- Theology and Anthropology
- Qualitative Research Methods
Sophia Omokanye is a Faculty of Arts and Science Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department for the Study of Religion where she is currently working on a project called Mapping Christian Audibilities. This project explores the intersection of space, sound, and religion with a focus on sonic practices deployed by religious communities and institutions as they aim to transform (sub)urban landscapes into places of strong religious as well as ethnic identification.
She received her PhD in Intercultural Theology from the University of Salzburg, Austria in May 2023 and is currently preparing articles and a book manuscript based on her work with Pentecostal communities in Nigeria, Germany, and Austria. Her dissertation is entitled “(De-)constructing mobility identities” and unpacks the construction of spatial imaginaries along narratives and performances of Nigerian Pentecostalism.