Required courses
- World Religions (RLG 100Y or 280Y)
- Study of Religion (RLG 200H)
- Gateway to a tradition (choose from the RLG 202Y-209Y range, or 241Y)
- Two full-course equivalents at the RLG 300+ level, one of which must be in the tradition chosen from RLG 202Y-209Y/241Y
- 1.5 further full-course equivalents at any RLG level*
- A capstone integrative course (RLG 404H or RLG 405H)**
*One cross-listed course may be taken.
**RLG 405H prepares students for non-academic research settings and emphasizes religion in public life. RLG 404H prepares students for further academic specialization.The capstone course can't be used to fulfill the 300+-level requirement above.
Required courses
- World Religions (RLG 100Y or 280Y)
- Study of Religion (RLG 200H)
- Buddhism gateway course (206Y1)
A total of 8 half-courses (or equivalent) chosen from the list below. At least 6 half-courses must be RLG courses. (EAS324H, EAS325H, and EAS361Y are counted as RLG courses here.) At least 6 half-courses must be 300+, including at least 2 half-courses (or equivalent) at the 400 level.
2nd-Year courses: RLG205Y1, RLG207Y1, RLG236H1, RLG245Y1, RLG246H1, RLGB03H3F, RLGB07H3F, FAH260H1, EAS209Y1, EAS215H1, HIS280Y1, HIS281Y1, HIS282Y1, HIS283H1, NEW214Y1, NEW232Y1, PHL237H1.
3rd-Year courses: RLG316H1, RLG356H1, RLG361H1, RLG363H1, RLG366H1, RLG367H1, RLG368H1, RLG371H1, RLG372H1, RLG373H1, RLG375H1, RLG371H5, RLG373H5, RLG374H5, RLGC07H3S, FAH361H1, FAH362H1, FAH363H1 FAH364H1, FAH368H1, EAS324H1, EAS325H1, EAS338H1, EAS361Y1, EAS346H1, HIS380H1, NEW331H1, NEW332H1, NEW333H1, NEW339H1, PHL337H1. Fourth year courses: RLG462H1, RLG463H1, RLG464H1, RLG465H1, RLG466H1, RLG467H1, RLG468H1, RLG469H1, RLG470H1, RLG470H5, RLG473H1, RLG490Y1, FAH461H1, HIS409H1, HIS485H1, NEW433H1.
- A capstone integrative course (RLG 404H or RLG 405H)**
**RLG 405H prepares students for non-academic research settings and emphasizes religion in public life. RLG 404H prepares students for further academic specialization.The capstone course can't be used to fulfill the 300+-level requirement above.
Required courses
- World Religions (RLG 100Y or 280Y)
- Study of Religion (RLG 200H)
- Islam gateway course (RLG 204Y1 or NMC 184H and one other half course in Islam)
- RLG 250H1 or NMC381H1
6 half-courses (or equivalent) from the following list, 2 of which must be at the 400 level:
2nd Year: RLG251H1
3rd Year: RLG 351H1, 352H1, 353H1, 350H1, 354H1, 355H1, PHL336H1, NMC381H1, 387H1, 388H1, 389H1
4th Year: RLG456H1, 457H1, 459H1, 461H1
- A capstone integrative course (RLG 404H or RLG 405H)**
**RLG 405H prepares students for non-academic research settings and emphasizes religion in public life. RLG 404H prepares students for further academic specialization.The capstone course can't be used to fulfill the 300+-level requirement above.