Celebrating the newest DSR graduates – congratulations to our graduating class of spring 2023!
PhD and MA
- Vincent Calabrese — "Michael Wyschogrod and Jewish Existentialism" (Supervisor: David Novak)
- Tamara Cohen — "Yoga in the Mokṣopāya" (Supervisors: Srilata Raman and Jurgen Hanneder)
- Kyle Derkson — "Canada’s Hot Little Prophet?: Walt Whitman, Richard Bucke, Psychiatry, and Metaphysical Religions in Nineteenth-Century Ontario" (Supervisors: Ken Derry & Jennifer Harris)
- Annie Heckman — "Reassembling Discipline: Bu ston Rin chen grub’s Collection of Incidents Involving Nuns from the Vinaya (ʼDul ba dge slong maʼi gleng ʼbum)" (Supervisors: Amanda Goodman and Shayne Clarke)
- Roxanne Korpan — "Scriptural Relations: The Anishinaabemowin Bible Translations of Kahkewaquonaby (Reverend Peter Jones) and Visions of Christian Co-Existence in Upper Canada, 1828-1856" (Supervisor: Pamela Klassen)
- Rachelle Saruya — "Towards the Noble Royal Flower: Myanmar Buddhist Nuns’ Educational Practices and Rituals in Training" (Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich)
- Tony Scott — "The Politics of Commentary: The Mingun Jetavana Sayadaw’s Milindapañhā-aṭṭhakathā in Mid-twentieth-century Burma" (Supervisor: Christoph Emmrich)
- Kunga Sherab — "Incarnation on the Roof of the World: A History of Practices to Identify Trülku (sprul sku) in Tibetan Buddhism" (Supervisor: Frances Garrett)
- Jade Hui — "How Might the Buddha and Buddhists Guide a Psychotic Queer?" (Supervisor: Amanda Goodman)
- Albert Yang — "A new approach to understanding Martin Buber’s hermeneutic engagements with the Hasidic texts, the Bible, and the Chinese Daoist texts: an examination of heterogeneity and intersectionality of four major Buberian hermeneutic priorities" (Supervisors: Robert Gibbs and Naomi Seidman)
Bachelor's Degrees
- Major in Buddhist Studies
- Hela Kalicharran
- Major in Islamic Studies
- Hamna Ashfaq
- Farhan Sharif
- Specialist in Religion
- Jitpicha Piyapatmetakul
- Devayani Shenoy
- Major in Religion
- Christina Alessandrini
- Angelina Audette
- Isabeau Duma-Jaciw
- Jamaica Ernst
- Farrah Kabeer
- Chak Kam
- Angelica Lozada
- Erick O'Herron IV
- Shathvahi Ramesh
- Andrew Velasquez
- Minor in Religion
- Alezeh Adil
- Hareem Ahmad
- Elissa Angus
- Emily Barton
- Sienna Birk
Daniel Diodati - Kevin Downey
- Emily Kuch
- Ian Lee
- Veronica Limpido
- Grace Mirenzi
- Sydney Ofiara
- Grace Pawliw-Fry
- Alyssa Rosenzweig
- Khushi Sharma
- Nicole Smyth
- Ella Tetrault
- Nneka Uwefoh
- Megan Wong
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