Celebrating the newest DSR graduates – congratulations to our graduating class of fall 2023!
PhD and MA
- Michelle Christian – “Enslaved to mammon: Money, economy, and enslavement in ancient Christianity" (Supervisor: Andreas Bendlin)
- Haroon Alvi – “‘From Subjective Experience to Self-Discovery: An Examination of Mysticism, Islamic Thought, and Psychoanalysis” (Supervisor: Marsha Hewitt)
- Farhia Farah – “Unveiling Safe Spaces: Exploring Dynamics and Boundaries in an Online Women’s Only Muslim Community” (Supervisor: Laura Beth Bugg)
- River Hobel – “Providing a More Radical Date for the Parables of Enoch: An Analysis of Plausible Locations of the Enochic Work” (Supervisor: John Marshall)
- Sumeet Kumar – “Advayavajra's Mahāmudrā Practice: Exploring the Interplay of Amanasikāra, and Yathābhūtasamādhi within the doctrinal framework of Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism” (Supervisor: Luther Obrock)
- Robert McConney – “Black tadjah: Hosay as a “dougla” material culture of Trinidad and Tobago” (Supervisor: Karen Ruffle)
- Mayadevi Murthy – “Discovering the Dravidian Devotional Aesthetic: Rhetoric, Identity, and Religion in Tamil Cinema (1958-1968)” (Supervisor: Srilata Raman)
- Arjan Sethi – “The martial sentiment in early modern Sikh literature: a comparative study of the Hanūman Nāṭak and the Rām Avtār” (Supervisor: Julie Vig)
Bachelor's Degrees
- Specialist in Religion
- Owen Huisman
- Qike Wang
- Major in Religion
- Alanna Carolan
- Erblin Hysi
- Alyssa McIeish
- Calypso Schincariol
- Rianna Steiner
- Ammar Tajani
- Zachary Wilson Jr.
- Major in Buddhist Studies
- Moira Banks-Batten
- Major in Islamic Studies
- Kayla Matthews
- Shafaq Irshad
- Minor in Religion
- Paige Escoffery-Stewart
- Noor Gouda
- Olivia Schutz
- David Taylor
- Stefanie Tsui
- Harold Yoon
Graduate Awards (→ About)
- Faculty of Arts & Science Doctoral Recruitment Award: Grace Feeney, Sarang Patel, Joy Saade, Edward Scrimgeour
- H. Albert Ellam Award: Joy Saade
- Jane Trombley Award: River Hobel, Albert Yang
- A&S Alumni and Friends Award: Cliel Shdaimah
- FAST Award: Joy Saade
Undergraduate Awards (→ About)
- DSR Equity & Justice Awards: Swamini Sagar, Maria Vidal Valdespino
- University of Toronto Excellence Awards: Charna Perman, Amory Zhao